Feb 21Liked by Meghan Kowalski

My best thing is that my best friend Eileen came down to B'more from NJ last night to go see Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit at the Lyric Opera House last night. Her husband gave her the tickets for her birthday, so it was a rare weeknight outing for me (just one week after the previous week's rare outing to the ballet). It was an awesome show and we had sushi beforehand, and it's always wonderful to see my bestie IRL instead of just her little avatar photo on Messenger.

Of course, today I am exhausted from only getting 5 hours of sleep. I would have taken off work but the bosses are treating my team to lunch today, and I didn't want to miss that. (Sorry that my comment is longer than your post! I will blame that on my giddy exhaustion.)

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Giddy exhaustion can be a great thing! Plus, you definitely don't want to miss free work lunch.

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