Jul 18, 2023Liked by Meghan Kowalski

Whoa! My great-aunt and my grandmother both used to wash their walls once a month, amongst other insane housekeeping tasks that make me feel like I'm going to pass out just thinking about them. It was the only thing they claimed to have in common (they were sisters-in-law, so they obviously had my grandfather in common, too, but they were like oil and water). I hate to clean anything. I love to organize, though! My best thing is that I rejoined Flickr after years of absence. I missed it. Instagram is fine, but I hate that they limit how much you can post.

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Yeah... I'm glad the wall washing is a once in an every 3 to 5 years thing in our home. I know I should do it more but, oof, it's a full body workout.

And yeah for Flickr! I love pictures.

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