Mar 21, 2023Liked by Meghan Kowalski

Even just reading the word amoxicillin made me have a gustatory hallucination of that pink flavor. I am sure it's quite terrifying to be a parent at any point in history, at least sometimes, but imagine how scary it was before antibiotics. Or before germ theory! When you just waited for demons or God or bad luck to swoop down and take your baby. Geez. Horrible. And that's why I think the anti-vax people are so dangerous and naïve. It's like they know nothing about history. Anyway...

My best thing this week is that I got my highest score ever on Chronophoto (4210)! I am so obsessed with that game. I hope they never, ever run out of pictures.

I hope your little girl feels all better now, and you and your husband avoided the germs.

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My best thing today is reprising a batch of fermented vegetables I made last year for Christmas: red cabbage, green kale, red onion, red beets, red apple, red Fresno peppers, Russian red garlic, ginger root, and Medjool dates. I substituted jalapeños for the Fresnos to bring in more green. It'll be read in 3 weeks. — I have three 1.5L jars, and I make 3-liter batches (2 jars). As soon as two empty jars are available, I make the next batch, which ferments while I finish eating what's in the non-empty jar.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Meghan Kowalski

It's not so pungent as regular garlic — milder and sweeter. It's a hardneck garlic and the common Gilroy garlic is softneck. It's also *much* easier to peel than regular garlic — peel is more like a thin shell than paper, and it pops off if you twist the clove.The cloves also tend to be large, some as large as a small egg. My son tells me, though, that when you start a new garlic bed, the first crop generally has small cloves.. (Don't know why.) Highly recommended: Chester Aaron's "Garlic Is Life: A Memoir with Recipes." See: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-home-_-Results&tn=garlic%20is%20life&an=aaron

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